Oltre ad avere un sistema sanitario pessimo, una ricerca scientifica pressochè inesistente, strade piene di buche, tesori nazionali (sia architettonici che naturalistici) pressochè abbandonati, una scuola che non insegna da decenni neanche l'educazione civica (base culturale per qualsiasi entità che si voglia chiamare popolo), oggi devo vedere pure questo. Ma perchè non chiediamo di essere annessi alla Germania o alla Francia?
Besides having a bad health system, scientific research almost nonexistent, potholed roads, national treasures (both architectural and natural) virtually abandoned, a school that does not teach for decades even civic education (cultural basis for any entity that want to be called people), now I had to see that too. Why we not ask to be annexed to Germany or France?
Besides having a bad health system, scientific research almost nonexistent, potholed roads, national treasures (both architectural and natural) virtually abandoned, a school that does not teach for decades even civic education (cultural basis for any entity that want to be called people), now I had to see that too. Why we not ask to be annexed to Germany or France?
da " Il Sole 24 Ore"